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Don't Let Breaches Break the Bank

Financial institutions are lucrative cybercrime targets, inviting regulatory oversight, customer scrutiny, and intensive executive focus. Financial IT and security professionals know successful breaches take place through compromised user endpoints and consumer-facing servers and devices, but struggle to stay ahead of evolving ransomware and non-malware attacks.

Carbon Black offers a complete solution for endpoint protection while keeping core security goals in mind: Stay ahead of attackers, prevent data breaches, and maintain compliance.

Risk & Response: Defending Financial Institutions with CB Response

For decades, the finance industry has endured constant change and uncertainty. With the advent of more advanced cybersecurity threats, the industry has responded with rapid digital transformation to remain competitive while also pushing the envelope.

Download this whitepaper to understand the steps other financial institutions are taking to stay ahead of the adversary through processes like incident response and threat hunting.

How Does Carbon Black Help?

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Federal Government

America continues to be attacked by nation-state cyber adversaries. Does your agency have visibility into your computer systems where the attacker is focused? Can you prove ransomware, malware and A-P-T’s don’t exist in your environment?

Carbon Black solutions help enable agencies to rapidly meet federal standards and implement the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to secure and protect government IT.

Improving Threat Hunting with Big Data for Government IR and CP Teams

While the threat landscape for military and government intelligence teams continues to get worse, security technology is advancing to meet the unique needs of these environments. Now is the perfect time for agency security teams to advance their threat hunting capabilities. Particularly with the ability to utilize unfiltered security data to provide high levels of visibility into attacker activity.

In order to do this, teams need guidance on how to develop their teams, improve their toolset and deploy. This paper aims to provide SOC teams best practices to evolve their people, process and technology and get ahead of adversaries.

"With Carbon Black being a pillar in our Information Assurance portfolio, the use cases, the time to remediate an Incident and the value derived from it is immense.

Not only is CB Response a tool one can use to respond to an Incident faster than before and in more detail, but the list of proactive functions (Threat Hunting & Etc.) it can provide as well is a huge value-add. The effect this product has had in our environment has been and still is, profound.

The product scales very well and the overall administration (O&M, Patching & Updates, etc.) is one of the most straightforward and stable products we use today. An additional benefit is that the sensors on the local hosts have never burdened the resources and have remained efficient and minimal.

We are very interested is seeing this product and the others (CB Defense and the CB Predictive Security Cloud) going to a SaaS model since so many of our other systems and tools are heading in that direction as well. Remaining as an “on-prem” only customer will be near impossible and rudimentary in the coming years."

- Public Defense Technology Customer

Protect Critical Infrastructure

Carbon Black’s CB Protection was the only solution to stop 100% of attacks in NSS Labs' 2017 Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) test.

  1. Lock down systems to stop malware, ransomware, zero-day, and non-malware attacks
  2. Built-in file-integrity monitoring, device control, and memory protection to block unauthorized change
  3. Harden new and legacy systems, with broad support for embedded, virtual, and physical OSes

Learn More About CB Protection

Protect Critical Infrastructure

Identify and Close Security Gaps

Identify and Close Security Gaps

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework mandates agencies to identify and close security gaps. Carbon Black’s CB Response is the industry-leading endpoint protection and response solution, enabling agencies to:

  1. Capture and store all activity on the device, providing complete visibility of potential threats
  2. Detect malware and non-malware threats
  3. Rapidly identify the root cause of any attack

Learn More About CB Response

Respond and Recover Rapidly

Rapid response to and recovery from security incidents is a core requirement of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. CB Response provides built-in tools enabling agencies to:

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HealthcareOrganized attackers are exploiting the most vulnerable points in modern healthcare infrastructure: endpoints and servers that have access to electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health record (EHR) systems. Hospitals and healthcare providers everywhere are facing increasingly sophisticated attacks that regularly evade current endpoint protection systems.

Carbon Black protects health-related systems from evolving external threats of all kinds to protect sensitive information and maintain continuous compliance.

Healthcare Cyber Heists in 2019

In this seminal report on the state of cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, Carbon Black collaborated with 20 of the industry’s leading CISOs to determine how attackers have evolved over the past year, the biggest concern these security leaders have (HINT: it’s not cybersecurity for most) and how confident they are in their cybersecurity programs.

Download the report to learn about the challenges faced by the healthcare industry at large, and what you can do to protect your business.

How Does Carbon Black Help?

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HMIs, servers, and workstations that run critical applications over commercial operating systems like Windows, UNIX, and Linux are the most perceived security risk in manufacturing today. Unfortunately, aging industrial control systems can’t handle extensive security scanning and, combined with a rapid increase in networked devices, are more exposed
than ever.

Carbon Black protects manufacturing systems from evolving external threats without disrupting availability. Our solutions help you maintain strict regulatory compliance, and ensure strict control on critical, high-risk systems.

Application Control for Dummies

Application Control for Dummies

Application control helps you handle the ever-increasing number of threats to computers and devices on a corporate network. As threats to endpoint security have evolved, so too has the need for technologies like application control. Gone are the days when malware might redirect the user’s search engine. Now, targeted attacks are common, and security attackers make a living from finding and exploiting vulnerabilities.

How Does Carbon Black Help?

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Oil, Gas & Utilities

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Russian government cyber actors have not simply targeted energy sector networks, they’re already inside.

In addition to workstations that require endpoint protection from malware and phishing scams, oil, gas, and utility companies in the energy sector face the increasing risk of ICS environments being compromised. The control systems that run high-availability, fixed-function devices create security vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect and impossible to remediate with traditional security tools.

Carbon Black protects systems from evolving external threats, maintains strict regulatory compliance, and ensures complete control over critical, high-risk systems without impacting uptime.

Executive Security Briefing: Lessons Learned from the Energy Sector

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, nation-state adversaries have not simply targeted energy sector networks, they’re already inside.

Join us for an exclusive security briefing with Carbon Black's Chief Cyber Security Officer, Tom Kellerman. Prior to his leadership at Carbon Black, Kellerman held positions as the Deputy CISO for the World Bank Treasury. In 2008, he was appointed a commissioner on the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th President of the United States.

Executive Security Briefing: Lessons Learned from the Energy Sector

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Retail & Hospitality

The platforms and features that enable omnichannel customer experiences have created security and compliance vulnerabilities. Today PCI DSS 3.2 requires even more accountability in proving that effective controls are in place to ensure the critical systems inside and outside the Card Data Environment (CDE) are protected.

Carbon Black offers a complete solution that protects systems from evolving external threats, maintains strict regulatory compliance, and helps to properly manage and communicate risk to board members and shareholders.

Closing the Security Control Gap to Achieve Continuous PCI DSS Compliance

Closing the Security Control Gap to Achieve Continuous PCI DSS Compliance

According to Verizon’s 2017 Payment Security report nearly half of companies fall out of PCI DSS compliance within nine months of initial validation. The ability to consistently monitor security control effectiveness, and identify endpoint security risks continues to challenge the payment industry in maintaining a continuous compliant state.

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Small Business

Do More with LessDo More with Less

If you're responsible for security at your company, you know that you're held back by things like limited budgets, a lack of skilled personnel, and too many security products complicating your stack. According to ESG Research, 65% of organizations believe that the skill level of their security team could use improvement and 48% are using more than 25 security products. This leads to more overworked people and, ultimately, less effective security.

Join us for a live webinar to learn how endpoint security in the cloud can simplify your security stake and make it easy to investigate, remediate and hunt for threats.

SMBs Adopt Modern Endpoint Security

A recent IDC survey of U.S. small and midsize businesses (SMBs) found that security is now a top IT spending priority for SMBs. But can SMBs truly keep up with the evolving threat landscape? IDC Research Director for Security Products Robert Westervelt candidly answers five important questions for SMBs about endpoint security.

How Does Carbon Black Help?